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Troubling Information that Will Make You Want to Brush and Floss More

January 19, 2015

Filed under: General Dentistry — Tags: , — pontevedra @ 9:57 pm

Most Americans know that you are supposed to brush twice per day and floss once per day. Many do not know why or what would happen if they quit brushing and flossing. At Ponte Vedra Complete Dentistry, we care about our patient’s oral health and understand that education about oral health can save money, time, and headaches. Our dental blog is a forum for dental education. If you would like to learn more, feel free to visit past blog topics.


Could You Have Gum Disease and Not Know It?

November 2, 2014

Filed under: Gum Disease — Tags: , — pontevedra @ 12:21 am

The Center for Disease Control stated recently that just short of 50% of American adults have some form of periodontal disease. Millions of Americans have gum disease and do not even know it. At Ponte Vedra Complete Dentistry, we attempt to educate everyone within reach about these issues with the hopes that we can help the community attain a higher level of oral health. We hope you enjoy and learn something in the process!


What is the Deal with Flossing? Is it Really Necessary?

August 1, 2014

Filed under: General Dentistry — Tags: , — pontevedra @ 12:35 am

How often do you floss?  According to a survey done in 2008 less than 50% of Americans floss daily and 10% report that they never floss.  Another study found that over 70% of Americans would rather go to the grocery store than floss.  We would like to dig a bit deeper into the issue of flossing and answer some questions you may have.  We hope you learn something and enjoy!


Are Your Gums Healthy? Why is it Important?

July 6, 2014

Filed under: Gum Disease — Tags: , — pontevedra @ 12:45 am

We all have heard the term gingivitis. If you are not completely familiar with the term, gingivitis is gum disease. Whether you have gum disease or not you should understand how it appears and should understand it’s significance. Gingivitis can have enormous implications if left untreated.


The Ideal Dental Diet

June 21, 2014

Filed under: General Dentistry — Tags: , — pontevedra @ 12:48 am

Caries, which is the medical term for tooth decay, can be caused by many factors.

Caries essential is a progressive destruction of tooth surface caused by the demineralization of teeth. Genetics, shape of teeth and gums, and diet are among the large contributing factors. The diet is the factor that is most in our control. Most everyone has heard that drinks high in sugar and candy can “rot your teeth”. For those that have wondered if there is more to it we wanted to provide some guidelines.


How Do You Get Rid of Teeth Stains and Discolorations?

May 6, 2014

Filed under: General Dentistry — Tags: , , — pontevedra @ 1:00 am

According to MSNBC, Americans at this time spend over $1.4 billion annually on over-the-counter teeth whitening products. In addition to this, we spend increasing amounts whitening teeth at the dentist as well as the new “whitening spas”. This is an incredible amount, but is it working?

At Ponte Vedra Complete Dentistry, we are dedicated to patient education. We want you to know that there are remedies for your specific dental complaints.


What Causes Bad Breath and How to Remedy the Problem

December 31, 2013

Filed under: General Dentistry — Tags: , — pontevedra @ 1:44 am

Bad breath is otherwise known as halitosis.  Halitosis has many causes and the proper identification of halitosis is crucial for the ability to correct the problem.  Not only can this be a difficult social issue but it can also indicate more serious health problems. (more…)

How to Obtain and Maintain Healthy Gums

October 9, 2013

Filed under: General Dentistry — Tags: , — pontevedra @ 2:04 am

Gingival tissue is otherwise known as gum tissue or “the gums”.  The gingiva is an incredibly important part of the oral cavity.  It must be maintained in a healthy manner for the health of the teeth and the rest of the mouth.  Periodontal disease affects millions of Americans.  There are two major variations of periodontal disease (gum disease).  Gingivitis is an overall swelling of the gingival tissue.  It is the body’s immune response to oral bacteria, plaque, and calculus.  When left untreated, gingivitis can progress to periodontitis.  This is characterized by bone loss and a loss of the attachment apparatus of the teeth.  This is often irreversible and can cause major health and asthetic problems in the oral cavity. (more…)